Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's up gold! Monitoring System for your network and systems

Whats UP Gold Server and Network Monitoring System

  1. Manage all sizes of networks - from SMB to Enterprise
  2. Tried, tested and proven on over 100,000 networks
  3. 360° visibility, actionable intelligence and complete control
  4. Reliable 24x7 single-site and distributed network management
  5. Delivers lowest initial acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution
For more information, approach !

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Investment pitfalls to take note and avoid

Have you done your investment portfolio? Have you wondered why you are not happy with your investment performance? Have you heard from rumours about a particular stock and chasing after that counter? There are a few things to take note when investing.

Pitfall 1: Investing without a good plan
When you decide to go on a tour. What is the first thing that you will need to do? You need a good PLAN.  You need to plan your destination! With a plan available, you will then be able to plan in details on how to get there and enjoy your holiday. Likewise in investment! You need to have a GOAL in mind and progressively work towards that goal. So! set a goal, draw up a plan and execute it and monitor regularly. 

Pitfall 2: Speculating and chasing after stocks
You hear news about a particular stock that will rise in the next few days/weeks/months and decided to invest in it. Afterwhich, you realised that you have invested that counter at a very high price and the price starts to tumble down. Thus, incuring huge amount of paper losses if you still hanging on to that counter. Thinking that the price will go up again with much hope. There's nothing wrong with investing in stock market. BUT, be sure to set goals, and invest in long term on sound and valuable counters. Work towards them in a disciplined fashion.

Pitfall 3: Putting all eggs into one basket
Many times, when we invest, we tend to invest into a particular stock and expect it to perform. There is a risk in investing all your money into 1 single stock/unit trust/fund. During the dot com days, Tech funds were attractive and people will just buy any tech funds. When the dot com bubble burst, many finds that their single investment were all wiped. Thus, diversification is the way to diversify the risk of investing into one particular type of funds/geographical or sector. There must always have a diversification in investment. Be it on the type of industry sector or geographical.

Pitfall 4: Short term speculation
Stock market is the quickest way to gain some profits. It is a double edged sword, it allows quick profit and it allows quick losses too. Thus, avoid short term trade if you're risk adverse type of investors. Investment is for the long-term, with this in mind, your investment should be based on sound fundamentals.

Pitfall 5: Start investing too late
It is still not very late to invest now. Starting to invest early has greater advantage over the long run. The earlier you start investing, the more you can benefit from the power of compounding to boost your returns. By regularly investing a fix amount of money or dollar cost averaging over a long term period. You will definitely enjoy the fruit of return when retire.

Lastly, there is no shortcut to earn money. You need to plan and strategised your way to reach your goals. With that objective in your mind, and working closely with a professional financial planner will help bringing you closer to achieving your investment objectives.

Important notice:
The information herein was obtained from various sources; The blogger does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The blogger will not accept any liabilities whatsoever whether direct or indirect that may arise from the use of information in this publication. Past performance is not necessarily a good indicator for future returns. Please consult your financial advisor for any intended implementation.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Photoshop images

Did this last year and found them in my archived folders. Just wanna post it here for appreciation. Well, for photoshop techniques, you need to use it regularly in order to remember the method or steps to create the effect. For the image below, setting the black and white background and highlight the object to be the main focus. Alternatively, google search for "photoshop effects" and you should be able to locate some of interesting photoshop skills. An example is the Photoshopcafe (

Cars! :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

W.TV app on iPhone

W.TV a free app which can be download from iTune free!! I was amazed by the content (Dvd movies, Live TV streaming, downloadable and searchable apps to locate the dvd title you want.). Only problem is the viewing of movies in iPhone is too small. Perhaps, iPad may be a better option. Attempted to project out onto the LCD tv using Component cables but was not successful. Only audio is available but no video image!
Guess iPhone only allow projection of video from their native video player while is using a different player?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iPhone firmware 3.1.3 released!

New release of iPhone firmware 3.1.3 is available now!

Apple today has released the new iPhone 3.1.3 firmware for iPhone and iPod touch. This release is just a minor upgrade over the last firmware and it mostly brings stability and bug fixes for iPhone 3GS, 3G, 2G and iPod touch. Interestingly, this (version 3.1.3) isn’t the same version which runs on the newly released Apple iPad (OS 3.2).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is "GodMode"?

Many years back when i started off as a helpdesk staff, I came across things like "Easter eggs" in Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, and so on.  These are tiny applications created by the developer out of fun or for work purpose.

This time round, for Windows 7, they have it as "GodMode". What is godmode?
Well, in Wikipedia explanation, it is

"God mode is a state in some video games wherein the player character is invulnerable to damage. It is typically activated by entering a cheat code, but some games may also include invincibility powerups. The term may also be used when the CPU opponent, mostly in sports games, goes into a "god-like" state, deliberately altering the probabilities and mechanics of gameplay in its favor." - WikiPedia.

For Windows 7 Godmode, it basically allows the developer to have access to all functions or features in Windows 7. Kind of single stop to all services platform created. See pictures below.

How to enable this?
1. Create a New Folder in your Windows 7 Explorer
2. Rename it to "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" and press enter.

3. It will turn into a blue icon.
4. Done!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Mac vs PC

Interesting youtube post on "Mac Vs PC". Hope you like it!

Friday, January 29, 2010

JustAttach! A software that allows you to send/receive large attachments!

Do you have difficulties in sending large attachment to clients or suppliers? This solution will enable you to do so!

JustAttach secure file exchange is an affordable and easy to use solution for businesses like your organization. JustAttach is a applications that resolves:

· Send and receive large files easily
· Secured transmission
· Hassle free deployment
· Easy administration
· Corporate governance compliance
For more information about this solution, check this out!